Technology Has Changed Recruiting, But This Will Stay the Same w/ Jeff Noble

If you’ve been in the recruiting game for 4 decades, you would have had a front row seat to the changes technology has brought to the industry. You also would have seen what technology has never been able to change. 

For many years, the only way we could find talent was by asking other people. Now thanks to job boards and LinkedIn, finding talent is as simple as opening a webpage. Recruiting used to be super local, now we can make placements in other cities and even continents. 

The amount of information that is out there now is far superior to what we used to have, but one thing has remained the same. That’s the phone and how important it is to our jobs. 

What should recruiters continue to focus on? What is it like handing your office over to your superstar? In this episode, I’m joined by the owner of MRI Dayton, Jeff Noble. 

Jeff talks about his full-circle recruiting journey, taking over an office and now handing that office over to a successor. He shares how he feels about retirement and the secret to success in this business.

Guest Bio 

Jeff is the owner of MRI Dayton, a global network of impact search professionals. MRI of Dayton is the manufacturing talent management firm dedicated to a more nuanced and collaborative approach to executive search. Their focus on manufacturing provides their consultants unique insights into the fast-paced world of production. They work closely with their clients, ensuring that every candidate they present will give their businesses a greater competitive edge. MRI of Dayton assists manufacturing companies all over the world in the identification and recruitment of impact players. Their areas of expertise include automotive, medical device and consumer products industries. For more information, go to and connect with Jeff on LinkedIn.

Meet the Host

Vince Holt is the founder and CEO of Management Recruiters of Mercer Island. With 35+ years industry experience, he is the only MRINetwork team member to win CSAM of the Year, Person of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards. In addition to spending time with his wife, children and grandchildren, Vince has raced motorcycles for over 50 years, winning 5 National Championships.

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