What’s Happening in the Nursing Workforce

What’s Happening in the Nursing Workforce

Nursing turnover continues to be a substantial challenge for healthcare organizations as the number of individuals with the intent to leave their jobs remains high.  Nurses are both leaving the profession entirely as well as simply changing employers or roles. While some remain in direct patient care at a different employer or role, many are leaving the bedside for non-direct patient care roles to pursue different career paths or education or to exit the workforce entirely.

With this persistently high turnover and the corresponding gathering storm in US healthcare, it is more important than ever for healthcare organizations to design and deploy initiatives that respond to and address workforce needs. Most healthcare organizations have learned that attracting and retaining nursing talent in the post-pandemic era requires a better understanding of what nurses are looking for in a profession and an employer.

This is where MRINetwork recruiters specializing in nursing can help their clients ensure that their value proposition is aligned to the workplace elements that nurses consider most important. They have witnessed firsthand the evolution of the profession – where it stands today and what is needed for the future. They are able to connect healthcare employers to the highest quality candidates for their open roles, relying not only on their personal network of contacts but also developing the most up-to-date resources. They use, for example, data-driven technology to screen and identify the candidates that best meet a healthcare employer’s unique hiring needs for their nursing staff.

Retaining the current nursing workforce while looking ahead to the longer-term talent pipeline will be critical to meeting the ongoing projected shortfall in registered nurses. There isn’t one answer to the challenges confronting healthcare organizations, and they have begun taking steps to address nurses’ stated needs through short-, medium-, and longer-term strategies that attract, strengthen, and grow a vibrant nurse workforce.