Cybersecurity and Governance Solutions: A Top Priority for the Legal Sector in 2024

Cybersecurity and Governance Solutions: A Top Priority for the Legal Sector in 2024

Cybersecurity is a major priority for organizations in the legal sector as cybercrime continues to rise and increasingly stringent government compliance requirements are introduced. 

The American Bar Association (ABA) reports that law firms are attractive targets for cybercriminals due to a combination of handling large volumes of personal data and a lack of technical competencies. While the volume of organizations with policies in place for data governance is increasing, solo attorneys are still far more likely than larger law firms to stay abreast of both relevant technologies and rapidly shifting regulations. However, legal organizations that fail to move with the times could face severe financial and reputational repercussions.

Investing in cybersecurity is a must for legal firms that want to ensure that their clients’ data is properly protected. Cyber threats are on the rise in 2024, in both volume and diversity. At least 40% of organizations believe that cyber threats will severely impact their performance in 2024. With threats like ransomware as a service (RaaS) and phishing becoming more versatile all the time, that’s not an unfounded fear. 

Whatever aspect of the legal sector your firm operates in, you deal with sensitive information every day. That means you have a responsibility to use that data appropriately, protect it, and keep it secure and, above all, confidential. A breach of confidentiality can be a major problem for any legal organization.

Data security is also necessary to ensure regulatory compliance. All organizations must comply with data privacy laws such as the GDPR or CCPA. Failure to protect personal data can lead to hefty fines.

However, financial penalties aren’t the only concern for legal organizations that fail to protect data. If a breach occurs and data is leaked or stolen, that damages the reputation of the firm and it’s no longer seen as trustworthy by its clients. 

Emerging Cybersecurity and Governance Solutions in 2024

Various solutions are emerging to help legal firms handle the complexities of cybercrime and data governance.

Advanced Threat Detection: AI-powered threat intelligence and real-time monitoring can constantly assess networks for vulnerabilities and report potential issues in real-time. 

Zero Trust Architecture: Many legal organizations are turning to zero trust architecture, a multi-layered security solution based on the philosophy that no device or user has automatic authorization to access the company’s networks. Zero trust platforms constantly check and recheck aspects like device type, IP address, authentication details, location, and many more factors to ensure that every authorization matches the current security protocols.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) Platforms: Legal firms can invest in integrated software solutions for managing regulatory compliance, risk, and data governance.

Cybersecurity Training: One of the most vital steps a law firm can take is to actively encourage a cybersecurity-conscious workforce. Employee training on how to identify risks and manage data can prevent breaches and ensure organizations remain in line with government compliance regulations. IBM states that 90% of cyber-attacks are caused by human error and are potentially avoidable with better-educated teams.

The Importance of Recruiting for Cybersecurity and Governance Roles

With that in mind, it’s essential that legal firms consider the skill sets of the employees they hire. An understanding of data protection and cybersecurity basics should be required for all roles within your organization.

If you’re looking to hire a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) you should know that there’s a high demand for these professionals within the legal sector. Those with experience in cybersecurity and data governance are particularly sought after, so be prepared to make your benefits packages appealing to stand out from the crowd.

Filling these specialized roles is critical if you’re hoping to get ahead of the curve when it comes to battling cyber threats and protecting data. A data breach at a law firm could mean the difference between a successfully closed case and one that’s dismissed out of hand. Hiring a team that can oversee your overall data governance strategy, improve your cybersecurity posture, and analyze your networks for vulnerabilities is a must.

However, it’s not quite as simple as putting up a job posting and hoping for the best. The market for data-based professionals is crowded and highly competitive. Plus, there’s a shortage of candidates with the required skills. Demand for cybersecurity specialists is outpacing the rate at which individuals become qualified — the skill gap in this field has increased 19% year on year.  

How to Partner with a Recruiter to Fill Cybersecurity and Governance Positions

There are ways to make filling your data governance and security positions simpler. Find a recruitment partner that understands the industry and can help you post in the right places. Great recruitment advisors can help you leverage modern digital marketing techniques to target new audiences and even increase the diversity of your workforce while sourcing top talent.

Creating the right job description can also shorten your time to hire. Make sure you define exactly what skills you need and, if the role requires specialist certifications or qualifications, ensure those are noted in the essential requirements.

Many recruiters will have networks of passive candidates either through their own channels or via third-party platforms. These can be a great source of talent with niche expertise.

Whoever you work with to help you fill your cybersecurity roles, ensure they’re aware of the legal nature of your business and your company culture. That will help you find employees who understand your specialism and fit right in. 

With legal firms handling huge volumes of sensitive client data, protecting it via effective data governance policies and cybersecurity protocols is essential. Partner with a trusted recruitment expert to find qualified candidates who can help ensure your firm stays compliant and maintains its good reputation.

To learn more about effective recruitment in a crowded market, connect with MRINetwork