Recruit Like a Marketer: Why Branding is the Key to Successful Staffing w/ Tom Kosnik

In today’s influencer-driven world, recruiting is as much a branding and marketing job as it is a sales one. 

Every person on the planet makes buying decisions the same way. From restaurants to products we buy, we look for credibility, external validation, reviews and ratings before we spend our money. 

Hiring authorities are no different – they are looking for recruiters who have a visible track record of providing value and getting results. The problem is: most recruiters don’t even know their clients’ buying journey, how they make decisions or how to influence them with methods that work now. 

That’s why we need to invest in building strong personal and business brands. In the past, we were told that staying on the phone would lead to results. Today, we know that the “smile and dial” approach just doesn’t work anymore. 

Could we get better results if we approached recruiting a little more like marketing, and put effort into creating strong brands? How do we become staffing thought leaders in our niches?

In this episode, Tom Kosnik, President of Visus Group, shares what it takes to connect with hiring authorities today, and how to build a brand in recruiting.

Guest Bio

Tom Kosnik, President of Visus Group., is a recognized business consultant specializing in organizational development, profitability improvement and work culture transformation. For over two decades, he has facilitated the Presidents RoundTable, working with companies of all sizes and functions. As a recognized consultant, Tom has coached & consulted with hundreds of corporate leaders and organizations throughout the continental USA in effective business development using his empirical-based “Organizational Development Business Model” (ODBM). Tom and his team of consultants at Visus Group shift organizations into high gear and increase bottom-line profits with customized consulting services and training programs, internal diagnostic assessments, whole system performance management, supply chain management analyses, and P&L Assessments. These high-impact tools create an “Action Research Model” (ARM) to get progressive companies and organizations moving toward growth and productivity. Tom resides in Chicago, IL, is married, and has three children. He holds a Masters of Divinity Degree from Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL and a Masters Degree in Organizational Development from Bowling Green State University, OH. To learn more, visit or connect with Tom on LinkedIn.

About Your Host

Vince Holt is the founder and CEO of Management Recruiters of Mercer Island. With 35+ years industry experience, he is the only MRINetwork team member to win CSAM of the Year, Person of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards. In addition to spending time with his wife, children and grandchildren, Vince has raced motorcycles for over 50 years, winning 5 National Championships.

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