Threat or Tool? How Tech Has Impacted the Recruiting Industry

Whether it’s the fax machine, email, online job boards, LinkedIn and now AI, the evolution of technology has made recruiters nervous. Could new platforms and capabilities make us obsolete? Are we in a fight against the disruption of our entire industry? 

Well, technology can be a threat, a crutch, a challenge or a tool – the choice is entirely ours. If we leverage it the right way, it will enhance what we do, but never replace it. The key to success though, is never letting technology take us away from what moves the needle in recruiting – talking to people. 

How are recruiters handling the technological changes? What can tech do, and what will it never be able to do? 

In this special episode, we highlight some of our past guests as they talk about how tech is impacting their businesses. 

Meet the Host

Vince Holt is the founder and CEO of Management Recruiters of Mercer Island. With 35+ years industry experience, he is the only MRINetwork team member to win CSAM of the Year, Person of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards. In addition to spending time with his wife, children and grandchildren, Vince has raced motorcycles for over 50 years, winning 5 National Championships.

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