Hiring for Cancer Research Roles with 5,500 New Cancer Cases a Day in the US

Hiring for Cancer Research Roles with 5,500 New Cancer Cases a Day in the US

Cancer is one of the most far-reaching types of diseases today. The National Cancer Institute shares that, in 2022 alone, 20 million people were diagnosed with new cancer, while 9.7 million people died from cancer-related causes around the world. As cases grow, the demand for qualified care providers and researchers has never been higher.

City of Hope predicts that more people will benefit from cancer breakthroughs in 2024 than ever before. Technology and medical research are leading to new treatment options, including CART cell therapy, while a better understanding of cancer disparities and whole genome sequencing could start reducing those numbers. Even as technology continues to support cancer research, people play a critical role in the process.

In cancer research, there are various key roles employers need to maintain and enhance discovery, development, and cancer treatment. Some of those roles include the following.

Principal Investigator (PI)

A principal investigator leads research projects to develop new solutions and takes raw ideas to build out experiments and studies to develop insights. Their job is not only hands-on but also involves securing the necessary funding for projects and overseeing the entire project from concept to results. These professionals are a component of the project’s leadership.

Research Scientist

Research scientists handle the day-to-day tasks of the research process. Their work includes working with the PI to create and conduct experiments, analyze data, and contribute to the scientific body of knowledge on cancer. They work to understand cancer biology, genetics, and treatment methodology based on the actual experiment results and further study.

Research Associate/Assistant

Associates and assistants provide critical hands-on support to other members of the research team. Their job focuses on following the instructions of research scientists and PIs in the completion of experiments, including conducting experiments, collecting data, and maintaining the lab and its equipment. They provide assistance based on the specific activities necessary for the cancer research being done.

Clinical Research Coordinator

As a research overseer, coordinators work to provide overarching support for clinical trials. Their work often focuses on recruiting participants, collecting data, and ensuring all compliance steps are maintained throughout the study to ensure the data is usable in later stages. They ensure all federal regulatory and compliance requirements are met throughout each stage of the process.


Biostatisticians analyze data from clinical trials and research studies to identify trends, correlations, and outcomes related to cancer research. These professionals take the available data to assess outcomes, gather next steps, and ask further questions to spur changes in the research work.


From beating breast cancer to working towards a cure for some of the rarer forms of this disease, oncologists are often at the front line. They are medical doctors who diagnose and treat cancer. Many work within clinical trials alongside patient care to both develop insights and support cancer treatment methodology development. Their vast knowledge is a critical factor in determining how research is applied to the business of cancer treatment.


A pathologist uses tissue samples to diagnose cancer. They look at both the cellular and molecular characteristics of those tissues to make determinations of the presence of cancer and then type it, often aiding in the process of staging cancer as well. In the aspect of research, pathologists are critical for their knowledge of those intricate differences in cancer types. They aid in both the cancer diagnosis and treatment planning research so critical to improving outcomes.


A pharmacologist has expertise in the treatment of cancer based on how various types of drugs interact within the biological systems of cancer cells. Their work heavily focuses on understanding how treatment options work, the methods for using those drugs, and how to minimize side effects. Many work in the development and testing of new cancer treatments and therapies as well.

Clinical Research Nurse

Clinical research nurses work directly with patients who are participating in clinical trials to provide patient care. They administer treatments and then gather information from patients that’s funneled back to the research team.

Research Administrator

As administrators, these team members work to manage the day-to-day tasks of managing cancer research projects. Their work includes monitoring and adjusting budgets, applying for and maintaining grants, monitoring for regulatory compliance, and reporting at various stages of the research.

Laboratory Technicians

As a supportive team for the researchers, these professionals can conduct experiments, maintain lab equipment, and prepare samples. They may also assist in data collection and analysis. Their job may change over time as the research continues.

The business of cancer treatment requires careful attention to numerous steps. It is far more than a simple biology class assignment. Each person has a very different but equally valuable role in understanding cancer, diagnosing it, and finding effective treatment options.

These are just a few examples of the roles hired for cancer research. Many others play substantial supportive roles from nurses to research school and center administration. To advance the understanding of cancer and develop new treatments, innovative minds, unique ideas, and complicated research must be mastered. This ultimately leads to improving outcomes for patients.

MRINetwork Supports the Objectives of Today’s Cancer Research Teams

From breast cancer to aggressive childhood cancers, our team at MRINetwork works closely with professionals to fill critical roles. Reach out to us to learn how we can help you.