Technology Transformation: Who Should You Be Hiring?

Technology Transformation: Who Should You Be Hiring?

If there is one constant in business today, it’s that technology will continue to evolve rapidly. For evidence, look at your workplace and remember how it was just a few years ago.

Technology transformation is apart of every major business process, from product manufacturing to administrative functions like HR and finance. But when you think you are caught up, new tech emerges, and your industry is reshaped yet again.

If your company doesn’t keep up with the latest trends, you risk falling behind your competitors. However, investing in new systems and apps alone won’t keep your company up-to-date. You also need qualified talent to lead you through the latest wave of technology transformation.

So, who should you hire? Here’s a look at five of the latest tech trends and the most in-demand roles associated with each.

Generative AI

The mainstream emergence of artificial intelligence may be the most important technology transformation ever. AI has impacted nearly every career field, from banking and finance to engineering and even recruiting. Generative AI emerged as the most compelling type, thanks to its ability to create content that resembles human work.

Instead of replacing human workers, generative AI helps them work faster, smarter, and more efficiently. The technology provides a simple and friendly front end to massive amounts of data. Getting answers to your most pressing business questions is just asking the AI.

Generative AI has also made these jobs hot in the talent marketplace:

  • AI prompt engineers: This relatively new career is focused on making generative AI applications deliver relevant and helpful content.
  • Generative design specialists: These experts take prompt engineering beyond text to product designs in product-focused industries like manufacturing.
  • AI maintenance engineers: AI systems and the models that power them require regular maintenance to ensure quality output. These tech-focused engineers perform tune-ups to keep generative AI systems running smoothly.


From warehouses and manufacturing floors to healthcare and agriculture, robots are an increasingly familiar presence. They offer businesses increased efficiency, especially in logistics, where autonomous robots help with inventory management and order fulfillment.

Most of these robotic solutions were designed and built in-house, as they’re built to serve unique environments. That makes these roles, especially in demand:

  • Robotics engineers: These engineers design, develop, and build robots for specific applications.
  • Human-robot Interaction (HRI) specialists: As robots collaborate with humans more and more, HRI specialists ensure seamless and safe interaction between the two.
  • Robotic programmers: These specialists write the code that controls robots’ movements and behaviors.


Over the past decade, digital transformation has been a hot trend across multiple industries. Digital transformation involves implementing digital systems to match every business process and then mining the resulting data for powerful analytics. Companies everywhere use their new digital workflows to gain insight into customer preferences and market trends.

Now, datafication takes things a step further with the help of fellow hot trends like AI, machine learning, and robotics. Datafication focuses on the human side of things to analyze employee and customer behaviors to find increased efficiencies. Once armed with these new insights, your business can further optimize its processes, streamline operations, and maximize profits.

Some traditional roles are well-suited to the datafication trend, like data scientists and business intelligence analysts. However, you can also hire big data engineersrobotics engineers, and even IT architects to help with your datafication efforts.


AI, digital transformation, and datafication are all part of a larger trend centered around digital systems and data-driven workflows. The improved workflows and increased efficiencies that result from these trends are evidence of their value. An unfortunate side effect, however, is that enterprise data is a valuable prize for hackers.

Your company data now likely contains intellectual property, financial records, trade secrets, and more highly sensitive information. Things have come a long way from the days of paper files sitting in a filing cabinet, and cybersecurity professionals are valuable at this moment.

As a result, information security roles such as penetration testersmalware analysts, and cloud security architects are among the most in-demand tech roles right now.

The Next Wave of Technology Transformation

If there’s a common denominator across all these tech trends, it’s data and automation. Business leaders know their competitors prioritize understanding their markets, customers, and even employee behaviors. Each new bit of knowledge helps streamline business processes and maximize profits.

Of course, technology has no value without the right personnel. To lead your business through the next wave of transformation, you should be hiring for the critical roles discussed here. To stay on top of the latest trends in technology in a wide range of industries, follow MRINetwork.