SHIFT – December 2023

December 2023 SHIFT Newsletter
Our December issue of SHIFT offers advice for leaders on the challenges they face in the new year; looks at workplace trends expected in 2024; reveals how to become a top-performing company; and predicts ten of the best career opportunities for the future.

How can leaders prepare for workplace success in the coming year?

As we venture into 2024, the business landscape continues to be shaped by unprecedented change and uncertainty. Adaptability, resilience and hope will be crucial as leaders deal with a continuing array of challenges, including how to foster a workforce that not only endures but thrives in such an environment. Not just a desirable trait, adaptability is a necessity for survival and success in the modern workplace. It isn’t just about navigating change, it’s about embracing it as a constant and using it to drive continuous learning and growth. Leaders must also devise strategies that bolster the resilience of their teams, ensuring they have the resources and support to manage stress effectively. They will further see the need to implement strategies that promote a positive work environment, reinforcing hope as a core value. Significantly, a generation shift in leadership style is emerging as Gen X managers and Millennials step into leadership roles. This brings a unique blend of experience and digital savviness, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and resilience as emerging leaders navigate the challenges of managing multigenerational teams and driving digital transformation.

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Personnel Today

Workplace trends to plan for in 2024

Here are some of the trends workplace experts expect to see in 2024, according to a report from US News & World Report. Employers mandating a return to office, or RTO, will continue into 2024. But this push didn’t work well for everyone in 2023, and those troubles are expected to continue in the new year. Flexibility will be key, and the workplace will see a strong appetite for part-time schedules from both employees and employers. With so many companies allowing ongoing flexibility in work-from-home or hybrid arrangements, the number of days in the workweek will remain in flux and is projected to skew toward fewer days. The DEI conversation will shift, with more emphasis on “equity and inclusion” and less emphasis on diversity. More retirees — some of whom took early retirement during the pandemic — will return to the workplace to achieve financial goals, social engagement, fulfillment of a personal passion and more mental stimulation to enrich their lives. While 2024 will extend many trends that started in the previous year, it’s clear that the workplace will continue to evolve so be prepared to adjust accordingly.

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U.S. News

The secret to accelerating performance

Accelerating your performance requires harmonizing dozens of management practices and investments as part of a larger, dynamic system. The rewards for getting everything right are massive, according to recent research from PwC, which shows that top companies capture a performance premium worth more than 13 times that of their peers. According to the PwC Global Advisory Survey, they do this by: Making mutually reinforcing investments in their business, operating, and technology models; continuously reducing friction, not only within their business but with external ecosystem and managed services partners; and ensuring leaders are up to the task, and able to recognize and act on threats and opportunities. The report offers a quiz to help you find out where your company stands.

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Navigating the future job landscape

The world of work is evolving at an unprecedented pace, driven by technological advancements, changing industries, and shifting global dynamics. As we approach 2024, it’s crucial to consider the career options that will not only provide stability but also offer opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Here are the ten best career options for 2024, considering factors like demand, potential for innovation, and societal impact, according to LinkedIn: Data analysts and scientists; healthcare professionals; cybersecurity experts; renewable energy specialists; software developers; sustainability experts; virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) developers; E-commerce and digital marketing specialists; robotics engineers; and mental health professionals. The job landscape in 2024 will be shaped by technological advancements, societal changes and environmental concerns. The future belongs to those who are prepared to embrace change, acquire new skills and contribute to the evolving world of work.

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