Unsung Heroes in a New World of Work

Unsung Heroes in a New World of Work
The past two years have shone a light on the incredibly diverse talents of our global workforce. From the frontlines to the assembly lines, every day we’re inspired by stories at all levels of organizations, entrepreneurship, and home life.

Blue collar, white collar, or no collar… nine to five, 1099, or stay-at-home CEO caregiver, it takes a tremendous amount of work and ingenuity to provide care, food, protection, transportation, comfort, and the full array of services we enjoy worldwide. In the midst of unprecedented challenges, it’s fair to say that there is a new appreciation for the individual talents and contributions that make up our daily lives.

A Force Behind the Scenes

There’s no denying, or minimizing, the courage and bravery of our first responders, military, nurses, and others who dedicate their lives to others. Yet, thinking of essential workers, caregivers, neighbors, mentors, and others who make a difference in our lives, we recognize that we can all be heroes in our own right.

At MRINetwork, we’re constantly amazed by the ingenuity, humor, and humility recruiters demonstrate, as they work to build a bridge between the old World of Work and the future of enterprise. Behind the scenes, they’re working longer hours and navigating unprecedented challenges as they work to bring people back to the office and back online.

Thank You to Our Recruiters

In light of recruiters’ impacts on our everyday lives, thank you. Thank you for backfilling the supply chain, for finding nurses to staff overwhelmed hospitals, for improving the lives of individuals and families worldwide. Thank you for improving workplaces and companies, careers and communities.

You’re the ones looking downrange, solving complex problems, and helping people to sleep better at night. The sheer output that you’ve achieved over the past 12 months is incredible. The mental and emotional demands of this job are not to be taken lightly. Thank you for being in the trenches with clients and candidates as we navigate a new normal. It’s a challenging, yet rewarding time, to shape the future of work.