The 10-4-2 Strategy: How to Connect with Industry Leaders on LinkedIn

The 10-4-2 Strategy: How to Connect with Industry Leaders on LinkedIn
What if I told you that you could get in front of anyone on your desk without ever picking up the phone? 

I developed the 10-4-2 Strategy as a simple, repeatable framework to get the attention of high-value contacts in your DIG by leveraging the power of LinkedIn. It’s one of the most effective ways to grow your business, drastically outperforming email, text, and phone calls. 

The 10-4-2 Strategy refers to a weekly ratio of:


This means that for every 10 posts you like, you’ll want to comment on four, and re-share two to your own network. This strategy removes the pressure of developing a constant content of your own, and instead redirects your efforts to engaging with those you want to reach in a meaningful way. Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Build Your List of Targets

  • Once a week, create a list of 20 people and/or companies you want to engage with.
  • Follow the individuals on LinkedIn. For the organizations you’ve listed, identify and follow everyone at the director level or above.
  • Every week, like at least 10 posts shared by this pool of high-value contacts. 
  • Add comments to four of the posts you liked.
  • Choose two posts that you find especially insightful, and re-share them to your own feed. Include additional commentary outlining what you like about their perspective, or sharing trends you’ve observed on the topic. 

Step 2: Track Engagement

  • Create a spreadsheet of the people you are targeting with this strategy, and include links to their LinkedIn profiles.
  • Determine how many from this list viewed your profile as a result of these 10 likes, four comments, and two shares.
  • Track them in your spreadsheet, and check in on what they’re posting regularly to think up creative ways to re-engage with them.

Step 3: Observe Posting Patterns

  • Determine whether they are regular posters or periodic ones in order to focus your time accordingly.
  • Study their company’s headlines on LinkedIn and create an inventory of articles that you will proactively comment on and ideas you will share.
  • Follow this pattern every week with the people in your spreadsheet.

Step 4: Watch Your Network Grow

In my opinion, sales is simply marketing well done. Today’s top-performing headhunters are marketing professionals, too. They use networks like LinkedIn to engage and interact with a community of peers who are both providing value and seeking news and opportunities. By building your network on LinkedIn by using the 10-4-2 Strategy, you can cement your position as an expert in the industry and rapidly reach a wider pool of clients and candidates. Click here to watch the full video on the 10-4-2 strategy.