The Benefits of Engineering Simulation Software—and Hiring the Right People to Execute It

The Benefits of Engineering Simulation Software—and Hiring the Right People to Execute It

At its core, engineering is all about solving problems with innovation. For as long as there have been engineers, they’ve used the latest technology to deliver new and unique solutions. Today, software is chief among the technology tools engineers use. In particular, engineering simulation software helps them craft virtual models that equate to real-world innovations.

Industry leaders quickly recognized engineering simulation software’s power and flexibility. They realized its tremendous time-saving potential and how detailed simulations lead to better product designs. The next step is hiring the right people to execute this powerful tool. Here’s what you need to know about engineering simulation software and how to recruit the top talent to make the most of it.

What is Engineering Simulation Software?

Engineering simulation software is the latest evolution of computer-aided engineering (CAE) applications. This class of software utilizes physics principles and modeling functions to replicate real-world scenarios.

These apps present virtual representations of everything from walls and buildings to automobiles and airplanes. Engineers work with these models and subject them to virtual conditions—heat, stress, vibration—to see how real-world equivalents will perform.

Various engineering simulation software packages exist for a wide range of industries. However, most apps will fall into one of three categories:

  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA), which simulates how structures respond to stress and other conditions.
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), or software for analyzing fluid flow and heat transfer.
  • Multiphysics simulators, which combine multiple types of simulations for a broader analysis of a product’s performance.

Well-regarded software vendors such as Ansys, Autodesk, MathWorks, MATLAB, and Solidworks all produce and market engineering simulation software. Some applications are geared toward specific industries, while others aim for general usage.

The Benefits of Engineering Simulation Software

Engineering simulation software offers companies a host of benefits, including:

Reduced time to market

Virtually testing and refining engineering designs before creating physical prototypes significantly reduces engineering development time. This allows organizations to strike while the iron’s out on new opportunities with a reduced time to the market.

Better designs

Simulation software helps engineers identify problems early in the design process, resulting in better designs. Engineers can also easily explore design variants, optimizing products for improved performance at lower costs.

Lower development costs

Simulation software significantly reduces development costs by moving design engineering and product development into the virtual arena. This is due primarily to organizations reducing the amount of scrapped prototypes and other traditional development expenses.

Innovative designs

Simulation software frees engineers to explore their imaginations and push the boundaries of existing designs. They can virtually test extreme scenarios, determine a product’s limits, and develop new, innovative designs.

Engineering simulation software has led to lighter yet stronger and more fuel-efficient automobiles. In the aerospace industry, these apps shorten the design and testing phases. Consumer electronics become smaller, more durable, and more reliable.

Today’s simulation software incorporates technological advancements like cloud computing and AI. With each passing year, this class of applications becomes more and more sophisticated, producing more accurate physics models.

Hiring Engineers for Simulation Software

If your organization is hiring engineers, prioritize those with simulation software experience. Here are some tips to help you identify the right candidates:

  • Industry experience: Since there is a wide range of software options, with some focused on specific industries, look for candidates with expertise relevant to your organization. If software from a particular vendor (like Ansys, MATLAB, or COMSOL) is a good fit for your industry, make experience with those applications a requirement.
  • Programming skills: Most engineering simulation software features a scripting language and APIs for automating tasks and simulations. Top candidates will have skills in programming languages like C++ or scripting languages such as Python.
  • Data analytics experience: The shift towards simulation software requires today’s engineers to work with large amounts of data. Candidates with experience in data visualization, statistics, and general data analytics will have an advantage with simulation software.
  • A portfolio of past work: Top engineering candidates will have a portfolio that showcases their past work with simulation software. Include this requirement in your job listing, and encourage candidates to bring portfolios to interviews.

Takeaway: Simulation Software Transforms Engineering

Simulation software has completely transformed the world of engineering. Your company, too, can realize the benefits by hiring experienced candidates who are well-versed in engineering simulation software. If your company develops products, you stand to gain a lot from incorporating these powerful apps into your toolkit.

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