Subscription-Inspired Recruiting: The Secret to Creating Ongoing Value w/Andrea Hoffer

When your staffing strategy extends beyond singular placements, it truly becomes a service and an ongoing client relationship. You’re not just a recruiter, you become a talent coach and consultant, and that has to be reflected in the way you engage with clients. 

You have to develop a package that provides continuous value and solves different problems, not just in talent acquisition, but in business development. When you’re charging a monthly service fee instead of a placement fee, you have to consider what makes your “subscription” stand out. 

Andrea Hoffer and the aha! Talent Experts have developed a process and found a beautiful niche in this space. What are the things they do differently? 

How do they build a bond with clients and candidates? In this episode, she shares her unique recruiting process, the solutions she provides and what makes RPO different from executive recruiting.

Guest Bio 

Andrea Hoffer is the founder & CEO of aha! Talent Experts. They empower companies to turn the art of hiring into a predictable, high-impact business process. As pioneers of the Hire Higher method, the aha! Talent Experts team stands at the forefront of redefining talent acquisition. As the driving force of aha! Talent Experts, Andrea has seen firsthand the challenges CEOs and hiring leaders face in today’s competitive landscape as both a business owner and Talent Acquisition professional. With over three decades of experience in recruiting and hiring,  she has a proven track record of delivering tailored solutions for talent acquisition and engagement, leveraging AI-driven insights and strategies. For more information, go to and connect with Andrea on LinkedIn

Meet the Host

Vince Holt is the founder and CEO of Management Recruiters of Mercer Island. With 35+ years industry experience, he is the only MRINetwork team member to win CSAM of the Year, Person of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Awards. In addition to spending time with his wife, children and grandchildren, Vince has raced motorcycles for over 50 years, winning 5 National Championships.

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