The Gig Economy: Adapting Recruitment Strategies for Freelancers and Contractors

The Gig Economy: Adapting Recruitment Strategies for Freelancers and Contractors

The gig economy is here to stay, with many companies hiring ad-hoc talent to cope with the skills gap and challenging job market. Market research reveals that the gig workforce grew by 40% between 2022 and 2023.

Alternatively, the permanent workforce has seen a slowdown in activity. The rising popularity of temporary workers has spurred employers and recruiters to rethink their talent acquisition strategies. We at MRINetwork share the latest gig economy trends, their impact on organizational recruitment campaigns, and how your company can build and maintain the most productive relationships with these unconventional hires.

Understanding the Benefits of Hiring Gig Workers

Hiring gig workers provides your companies with several benefits, particularly in coping with the unpredictable economy and ever-changing demand for specific skill sets. For starters, when hiring a freelance expert, you can immediately access advanced or niche skills without investing significantly in training and development.

Your company can also leverage the gig workers to scale your workforce according to immediate organizational needs. Doing so enables you to optimize the cost-effectiveness of running your company operations, which could gain you a competitive advantage during volatile job markets by preventing high vacancy costs.

Adapting Job Description for Freelance Roles

Job descriptions (JDs) remain integral when attracting top talent, even for temporary and contract-based positions. For the best quality of hire, consider tweaking your existing JDs to focus on the priorities of a contingent workforce. One critical recruitment change includes shifting away from job security-focused workplace benefits since gig workers usually prioritize work-life flexibility and wellness benefits.

You could also revise your JDs to emphasize employee benefits that help support your freelance workers’ performance. These may include remote perks (i.e., internet data packages) and sponsored premium plans for task management platforms.

Evaluating Skills and Experience in Non-Traditional Resumes

Like JD strategies, the gig economy also changes the criteria for vetting the resumes of your hires. While shortlisting candidates for permanent roles focused on industry and previous full-time experiences, the process could prove more targeted and dynamic when assessing the suitability of contingent workers.

Specifically, when hiring gig workers, your recruiters could focus on specific skill sets needed to fill a talent gap in your company quickly. It is also important to watch for soft skills that enable candidates to collaborate effectively with your full-time staff to deliver the best results by adapting to your culture throughout their employment. Top soft skills among successful gig workers include a keen attention to detail, problem-solving, and communication.

Establishing Clear Expectations and Deliverables

Hiring freelancers and contractors would require a polished and accessible communication approach that helps you convey key objectives and strategies. It is important to avoid overwhelming freelancers with the details of work culture practices and focus on their ad-hoc job scope and expectations.

You should establish a well-structured road map with detailed milestones to guide gig workers in managing their schedules and responsibilities. While it is essential to provide flexibility and autonomy, you should also consistently check in to ensure your freelancers and contractors update their progress with the rest of your team.

Dedicated onboarding is necessary to ensure that your freelancers have a fundamental understanding of collaborative requirements and the arrangements and consequences if they fail to meet outlined objectives. It is important to offer your gig workers a sense of belonging by seamlessly working with permanent staff, which prevents counterproductive workplace silos.

Building Long-Term Relationships With Your Freelancers

Developing a lasting relationship with freelancers with a positive working track record is essential since you can trust them to deliver results when needed. You can foster freelancer loyalty by outwardly showing appreciation for their contributions, such as providing a detailed testimonial of their abilities on talent networks such as LinkedIn.

Your company can also sustain a strong professional connection with gig workers by maintaining communications after a collaboration. For instance, you could send personalized birthday wishes or New Year greetings to show talent appreciation. For a more significant impact, you could invite freelancers for exclusive company events and webinars, recognizing them as part of the company.


Leveraging the booming gig economy requires companies to rethink recruiting strategies to attract the most qualified talent. A meticulous and systematic approach to attracting the gig workforce enables your company to optimize human resource costs while maintaining operations during the most challenging financial and market situations.

With the gig workforce at your corner, you can focus on continuously meeting your organizational targets with fewer roadblocks in the quest for specialized skills.